Diocese of Lubbock Cursillo Movement

Living a Life 'De Colores'! Viviendo Una Vida 'De Colores'!

Have you lived a Cursillo Retreat? Please share your experience with others! Let us help one another in this journey of faith! De Colores!

Usted a vivido un Cursillo? Comparte su experiencia con otros! Ayudemonos unos a otros en esta jornada de fe! De Colores!

Visit us at the Diocese of Lubbock Cursillo Office during office hours or call to make an appointment with our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Ernesto Lopez. 

(806) 223-2888

Cursillos in Christianity is a Movement which, by its own Method, attempts from within the Church, to give life to the essential Christian truths in the singularity, originality and creativity of the person. In discovering their potential and accepting their limitations, they will direct their freedom with their conviction, reinforce their will with decisiveness and direct their friendship with the virtue of constancy in their day-to-day life, personally and with others.
According to National Cursillo website.

Diocese of Lubbock, School of Leaders

Every Monday at 7pm, Catholic Renewal Center, Martyrs Hall


Contact your parish vocal for more information.

Register for the next Cursillo!

Interested in learning more about the Cursillo? Contact the office or register now for the next Cursillo! Scholarships available.

Cristo Cuenta Contigo!
Y Yo Con El!

820 Buddy Holly Ave Unit #3
Lubbock, TX 79401

(806) 223-2888
Open Mondays