Living Our Fourth Day

Living our Fourth Day with Conviction, Decision, and Constancy

This Mentality as expressed by Eduardo has its roots in the Precursillo. Most of the time we spend our time and efforts searching for the perfect candidate. However, if we concentrate more on the person who has the capacity for conviction, decision, and constancy, you can rest assured they will capture the message presented during the Cursillo Weekend, and therefore live out their Fourth Day helping others live their lives with conviction, decision, and constancy.

  • Conviction (piety) – in directing our whole life to God, we establish an intimate relationship with Him, an open and personal friendship. It is absolutely necessary for us to have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ in order for our piety to be genuine.

  • Decision (study) – putting our minds at the service of the truth or applying our minds to learn the truth. In essence, it is the process of learning to love and respond in faith to reach our potential as persons; fully human and fully Christian. Only by fulfilling our potential can we begin to understand God’s love for us, and begin to live in that love.

  • Constancy (action) – is the perfection of piety, dedicating our very lives to God by aligning our will to His will, and then doing what we have been asked to do. Action is responding to the command of Jesus written in John 13:34-35. Simply stated, Action is exercising the power to love just as Jesus has loved us.

    The Cursillo provides a call to be a Christian, to dedicate one’s life to Christ and to live Christ fully and completely. As “Fundamentals Ideas” clearly states:
    Christian life “stirs up every baptized person and requires each…to follow and imitate Jesus Christ, to embrace the Beatitudes, to listen to the Word of God and imitate it, to participate consciously and actively in the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church, to engage in personal, family, and community prayer, to have a hunger and thirst for justice, and to put into practice the commandment of love in all circumstances of life and in service to others, especially the least, the poor, and the suffering.” (FI #424)

    This is, in short, the “new way of life” of which Pope John Paul II has spoken so often: the civilization of “new people.” (FI #425)

We have witnessed the spirit of generosity that fills the Cursillistas at the end of the Cursillo Weekend. In fact, many who have lived a Cursillo generally have a desire to

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serve Christ and His Church through the different parish ministries. This is a well known fact in the Church. However, this does not presuppose that, although this service is gladly offered to the church that the Cursillo has to be exclusively for such activities. Cursillo awakens our desire to serve, therefore Cursillistas commit to the different activities, groups, ministries, etc. of their local parish.

We can also acknowledge the many vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, religious, etc. come from the Cursillo Movement. This does not mean this is the objective of the Movement either. Nevertheless, we thank God for these blessings. However, let’s not forget the primary purpose of the Cursillo Movement, that is, the goal we want to achieve if we want to realize the “why” and the “how” of the Movement.

As Bishop Hervás states in his Pastoral Letter, men should be asked for a great response:

“very lofty goals should be proposed to laymen, taking into account that we find ourselves in a moment in which the breathing of the Holy Spirit is calling many souls to heroism and to complete surrender. Let us be bold in a holy way, proposing goals of the most exalted sanctity. If men are not asked for much, they will not even give what they are asked for.”

Cursillo provides us with a method through which we learn to live the Gospel in the everyday circumstances of our lives. It is a roadmap for our lives as Christians – to live the Gospel as laity. It makes us Christians responding to the call of our baptism and the call of the Church. A Christian is a person who has accepted the call of Jesus to make the Father’s love tangible and felt by others. Their primary mission is to feed others with the conviction of their value, dignity and importance in the Father’s eyes. The life of every Christian and their personal conversion undergoes continual change as they realize that every person, every event, everything one does, is a vehicle of new and different possibilities for the Gospel.

We must begin with ourselves and become the Good News to those we encounter in our daily lives; in our moveable square meter. It is by becoming a living witness of the Gospel message that we can truly and effectively evangelize our respective environments. Our evangelical efforts in all phases of the Movement spring forth from a vibrant and living Christianity in Action.

For more information visit the National Cursillo Website.