Name under Cash App will appear as Fr. Ernesto Lopez, our Spiritual Advisor.
Online Giving
We invite you to prayerfully consider donating to the Diocese of Lubbock Cursillo Movement. The movement is always in need of help to continue to have retreats and other special events.
We thank you for supporting the Cursillo Movement and helping more Christians grow in being leaders and disciples of Christ! De Colores!
Los invitamos que ayuden a el Movimiento Cursillo de la Diócesis de Lubbock. El movimiento esta siempre en necesidad de ayuda para poder tener las retiros y otros eventos especiales.
Les damos gracias por apoyarnos y ayudar mas Cristianos a crecer en ser lideres y discipulos de Cristo!
Pray and Give!
To be a Christian Steward
A summary of the U.S. Bishop’s Pastoral Letter on Stewardship
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as a good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Pt 4:10).
What identifies a steward? Safeguarding material and human resources and using them responsibly are one answer; so is generous giving of time, talent, and treasure. But being a Christian steward means more. As Christian stewards, we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.
We ask you, brothers and sisters, to please pray about generously giving to the Diocese of Lubbock Cursillo Movement so we may continue to grow and help others answer the call to the Cursillo!
Steps to Give!
Under “Fund” click on Parish Donation. Then under “Sub Fund” scroll down to Lubbock Cursillo Movement.
Next you type the amount you want to give. You may also click to make this a weekly, monthly offering (check recurring gift box). If you are new to Online Giving, it will require you to create an account.
Add your card/bank information and other information that is required. Then you click submit!